Lektionen / Lessons

Lecture series
Current Dates

The format Lektionen / Lessons offers contexts and background information on the artworks of the exhibitions in the Paintings Gallery.

Series of lectures on the exhibition Considering the Collection & Cranach’s Holy Productivity An Insert by Klaus Scherübel:

18 h
Anatomy hall

Gunnar Heydenreich
The Cranach Digital Archive. Gaining knowledge through international and interdisciplinary research cooperation
(Lecture in German)
18 h
Conference room

Sabeth Buchmann
In the shadow of the pictures

(Lecture in German)

Lektionen / Lessons online:

Sandra Hindriks
Exemplary productivity. On the topicality of depictions of the Holy Kinship around 1500

(Lecture in German)


Insa Christiane Hennen
Lucas Cranachs Heilige Sippen: Ebenbilder Gottes in komplizierten Verhältnissen

(Lecture in German)


Guido Messling
The artist is present. Where and why Cranach put himself in the picture

(Lecture in German)


Tom Holert
How anachronistic is that? Klaus Scherübel and the history of the "period rooms"

(Lecture in German)

Lucas Cranach the Elder, The Holy Kinship (detail), 1510–1512
© Paintings Gallery of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna

Lektionen / Lessons online

History Tales. Fact and Fiction in
History Painting

Considering the Collection &
King Vulture An Insert by Willem de Rooij (8.3.–20.8.2023)

The Purloined Masterpiece
Images as Time Machines