The Purloined Masterpiece. Images as Time Machines

Edited by Sabine Folie

Texts by Sabine Folie, Rodney Graham, Sandra Hindriks, Claudia Koch, René Schober, Allan Sekula, Bernhard Siegert, Victor I. Stoichita

German/English, 280 pages, 235 colored illustrations, Hardcover
Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther und Franz König, Köln

ISBN: 978-3-7533-0370-3

The publication is available in the store of the Paintings Gallery for 38,00 Euros or can be ordered by email to

Sabine Folie (Ed.): The Purloined Masterpiece. Images as Time Machines, 2022
© Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, Photos: Iris Ranzinger